
Keywords are dynamic variables that carry the context of shots when thumbnails are being generated. Keywords are introduced in this page.

Keywords provide an amazing combination of personalization combinations, only at the expense of a couple of clicks. When you are publishing a thumbnail, the Keywords button in the UI list all what's available in a given context. In AVS, unless you use html templates, see here for more, you can add one or more keywords for each page title, and for each shot caption.

The syntax of a keyword is the following : prefix is $(, followed by the keyword itself, and ended with ). Example : $(INDEX)

The table details the classification of existing keywords, their availability (for the page title, for the shot caption, or for both) and a short description :

NameAvailable in the shot captionAvailable in the page titleDescription
INDEXyesnoCurrent index of the shot. Starts at 1.
COUNTyesyesAmount of shots in the thumbnail, regardless the pages. $(INDEX)/$(COUNT) provides a convenient way to index the shots.
PADDEDINDEXyesnoSame than INDEX, but with zeros padded to ensure homogeneization.
PADDEDCOUNTyesyesSame than COUNT, but with zeros padded to ensure homogeneization.
MARKINyesnoBeginning video frame of a shot. Raw number.
MARKOUTyesnoEnding video frame of a shot. Raw number.
TIMECODEINyesnoBeginning video timecode of a shot, of the form HH:MM:SS:mmmm (SMPTE format).
TIMECODEOUTyesnoEnding video timecode of a shot, of the form HH:MM:SS:mmmm (SMPTE format).
SHOTWIDTHyesyesWidth of each shot, in pixels.
SHOTHEIGHTyesyesHeight of each shot, in pixels.
PAGEyesyesPage number. Starts at 1.
PAGECOUNTyesyesAmount of pages.
THUMBNAILWIDTHyesyesAmount of shots per row. Default is 4.
THUMBNAILHEIGHTyesyesAmount of rows of shots per page.
CREATIONDATEyesyesCreation date, of the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
VIDEONAMEyesyesVideo name.
VIDEOURLyesyesFully qualified video name (includes folders or url).
VIDEOFRAMESyesyesAmount of frames in the video. Rw number.
VIDEODURATIONyesyesDuration of the video, of the form HH:MM:SS, or MM:SS, or SS.
VIDEOLINKyesnoAn url which has all the information to play a video segment. When clicked, the url begins playing the video from a specific position, and ends at another specific position. The width of the video segment is defined by the shot context.
VIDEOLINK_URLyesyesAn url which plays the video from begin to end.
VIDEOLINK_STARTATyesnoAn url which has all the information to play a video segment beginning from a specific position. The video then plays until it reaches the end.
USERNAMEyesyesLogin name.
SHOTFILENAMEyesnoActual shot filename. For instance image0002.jpg.

Keywords can be used in a special way to allow formatting. In this case, the syntax is : prefix is still $(, followed by the keyword itself, followed by a comma, followed by a double-quoted formatting string, followed by ). Example : $(MARKIN, "0000").


Navigation link keywords (only useful with templates)

FIRSTPAGELink to the first page of the thumbnail.thumbnail.html
PREVIOUSPAGELink to the previous page of the thumbnail, if any.If the current page is thumbnail_0004.html, then the link is thumbnail_0003.html
NEXTPAGELink to the next page of the thumbnail, if any.If the current page is thumbnail_0004.html, then the link is thumbnail_0005.html
LASTPAGELink to the last page of the thumbnail.thumbnail_0010.html
PREVIOUS5PAGELink to 5 pages before the current page, if any.If the current page is thumbnail_0006.html, then the link is thumbnail_0001.html
NEXT5PAGELink to 5 pages after the current page, if any.
PREVIOUS10PAGELink to 10 pages before the current page, if any.
NEXT10PAGELink to 10 pages after the current page, if any.


Other general keywords (only useful with templates)

SHOTCAPTIONContent of the current shot caption. Default value is $(INDEX) / $(COUNT). This placeholder reflects the content of step 3 of the publish to the web wizard.
BEGINSHOTMarks the beginning of a shot context. Often used to bypass all tags contained within a $(BEGINSHOT)...$(ENDSHOT) sequence when there is no more shot to generate.
ENDSHOTMarks the end of a shot context. Works with $(BEGINSHOT).
IFMarks the beginning of a condition. A condition is meant to express conditional content or conditional formatting. The syntax is of the form $(IF, condition="<expression>")
ENDIFMarks the end of a condition.Works with $(IF).