Html filter, protect yourself on the webUpdate (March 30 2006) : Downloads of the product held until further notice. HtmlFilter is being strengthened to accomodate today's needs, i.e. filtering of inline text sponsoring ads (as in Google search results) and so on. It will provide greater value and is poised to become a commercial product. No ship date at this time, but that should not be too long a wait.
Disclaimer : this tool is free to use and provided as is. Copyright Stéphane Rodriguez 2003-2006.
IntroductionThe remainder of this paper describes how to use the html filter product. The article title came to my mind after I got tired of the nasty little objects in web pages, namely popups, inline JavaScript-ed profilers, etc. In short all those things that do harm, and slow down the web. There was a need to remove all this. The idea of a proxy server that filters out HTML tags according to rules is not really new, and there are lotsa sharewares out there aimed on this. But I wanted something easy to use and configure. The XML-based HTTP + HTML filtering rules at the basis of this tool open a very large set of opportunities. The remainder of this article shows some of them. Feel free to contribute and add yours. :-)
Filtering out popups of all kindsGot tired of popups? That's thing of the past. Now with a simple replacement
rule, you just get rid of all those dirty Here is the rule: <filterrule name="//">
<allow contains=""/>
<content contains="//" action="comment"/>
You may ask for not such an exclusive filtering rule. The
Filtering out other JavaScript codeJavaScript code is either from external files, or inline with the current web page. External JavaScript codeThe first thing we filter out is all the URLs pointing to .js
resources (which is actually external JavaScript code). The second thing is,
because it is possible to download JavaScript code even without pointing to an
explicit .js resource, we filter out the HTTP response against the Here is the rule : <filterrule name="javascript">
<request suffix=".js"/>
<response header="Content-Type" contains="application/x-javascript"/>
Inline JavaScript codeIn order to trash away all code inside <content tag="script" action="remove"/>
Filtering ad and flash bannersAd bannersOne of the most prominent ad hosting services in the world is DoubleClick. I
believe their market share is above 60%, which means that almost anywhere you
surf to (except CP, at least these days) you are very likely to face
Doubleclick-served ads. URLs are of the form, where <filterrule name="ad banners">
<allow header="Content-Type" contains="image/"/>
<request contains=""/> <!-- doubleclick ads -->
<request contains="/script/admentor/"/> <!-- codeproject ads -->
<request contains="realmedia"> <!-- realmedia ads -->
<request contains="ads"/>
This fine rule makes the surfing experience somewhat faster, since a lot of pictures are not downloaded at all. In addition, because banners are not retrieved, they won't either be rendered, thus won't produce the blinking and messy color effects that we all know. Please note the rule about Flash bannersFlash banners are identified by either URL resources pointing to .swf
files, or by the <filterrule name="flash banners">
<request suffix=".swf"/>
<response header="Content-Type"
Cookie values and other HTTP request headersAlthough the application logic behind the As a consequence, it is now possible to filter out (replace, comment, remove) values from HTTP request headers. This includes:
and actually any other HTTP headers. For instance, here is an excerpt of a simple HTTP request: GET HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
: http://comments.f***
Accept-Language: en-us
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Microsoft stinks)
Cookie: CTG=1037470757; WSS_GW=V1Arez%rX@C@r@Q@
Cookie values are stored in the %USER%\Cookies Windows directory and are automatically reflected by your browser based on the target web site domain cookie logic. Replacing the cookie value is a breeze. Here is an example rule : <filterrule name="automatic logon">
<content contains="Cookie: CTG=1037470757"
action="replace:Cookie: CTG=5458798"/>
Using the toolIt lives in the systray and has a simple GUI to let you choose the listening port, relaying proxy, and filters. Configuring the proxy serverOnce installed, it starts listening on the default 8010 port. If you are already using this port, change it, that's what the dialog box is for. Of course, you must let the navigator know that you are listening there, so let's open the Windows control panel, then double-click on Internet Options. In the Connections tab, just edit the Proxy Settings, click on Advanced, and type in front of HTTP Proxy address to use server field, and type 8010 in the Port field. Apply. Ok, you're done. You can go back and surf the web as you previously did, without notable changes (at least on surface). If you are using Netscape or even Opera, just change the proxy settings using a similar procedure. For Netscape, go in the Edit / Preferences, then in Advanced / Proxy, and edit the HTTP Proxy field. The default XML config file provides a rule specifically designed for Mozilla 1.0 to let it work seamlessly (in fact Mozilla 1.0 uses hidden JavaScript HTTP requests, for any reason, and if we don't let them be processed normally, Mozilla just doesn't work!). Now, depending on whether you have a direct Internet connection, or use the corporate proxy server at your workplace, you must also let the tool know. For a direct Internet connection, just leave the Use corporate proxy unchecked. For a corporate connection, check the box, then fill in the two fields. For instance (the DNS), and 3128 (the listening port). This information is expected to be known by you (check your LAN Internet settings, check the automatic detection script, ...). Selecting filtersThe list of available filters is known by reading the XML file at startup. In the dialog box, click on Advanced filters to show the list of available filters. Only checked filters are running. If you check or uncheck some filter, the final selection is taken into account internally when you hide the dialog box. To show the XML file, just click on Show Config. If you edit the XML file, you don't need to restart the tool, just go in the systray, right-click in the menu, and select Reload Config. HTTP requests can be logged in a file. Right-click in the systray menu, and select Enable logging. Doing so, all HTTP requests are logged to a logfile.log in the directory where the application is running.
XML stuffSample config file<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<corporateproxy url="" port="8080">
<filterrule name="//">
<allow contains=""/>
<content contains="//" action="comment"/>
<filterrule name="javascript">
<allow contains=""/>
<!-- mozilla 1.x rule -->
<request suffix=".js"/>
<response header="Content-Type" contains="application/x-javascript"/>
<filterrule name="ad banners">
<allow header="Content-Type" contains="image/"/>
<request contains=""/> <!-- doubleclick ads -->
<request contains="/script/admentor/"/> <!-- codeproject ads -->
<request contains=""/>
<request contains=""/> <!-- google ads -->
<request contains=""/>
<allow contains=""/>
<allow contains=""/>
<request contains=""/> <!-- flickr badge -->
<filterrule name="flash banners">
<request suffix=".swf"/>
<response header="Content-Type"
<filterrule name="onmousemove">
<content contains="onMouseMove" action="remove">
<content contains=""
The grammar (DTD format) :<!DOCTYPE htmlfilter [ <!ELEMENT htmlfilter (enabled?, proxyport, corporateproxy, filterrules*)> <!ELEMENT enabled (#PCDATA)> <!-- yes | no --> <!ELEMENT proxyport (#PCDATA)> <!-- 8010 --> <!ELEMENT corporateproxy (enabled?)> <!ATTLIST corporateproxy url CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- --> <!ATTLIST corporateproxy port CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- 8080 --> <!ELEMENT filterrules (filterrule+)> <!ELEMENT filterrule (enabled?, allow*, request*, response*, content*)> <!ATTLIST filterrule name CDATA #required> <!ELEMENT allow (allow*)> <!ATTLIST allow header CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST allow prefix CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST allow contains CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST allow suffix CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT request (request*)> <!ATTLIST request header CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST request prefix CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST request contains CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST request suffix CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT response (response*)> <!ATTLIST response header CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST response prefix CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST response contains CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST response suffix CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT content (content*)> <!ATTLIST content tag CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST content contains CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ATTLIST content action (comment|remove|replace:xxx) #IMPLIED> ]>
A few commentsA nice thing about it is that rules are both serial and hierarchical. They act like OR and AND operators. Updates history
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