Build of xlsgen adds advanced data sorting. Before this build, sorting on values was already available. This build adds the following :
- on values
- on cell color : background cell color or font color
- on associated icon (related to icon-based conditional formatting)
This is illustrated as follows :
Sort on values (ascending) by column CSort on background cell color (descending) by column DSort on cell font color (ascending) by column ESort on icons (ascending) by column GAny number of
sort conditions can be added (up to 3 if you target XLS files) so if you'd like to sort on column C then on column D, the corresponding conditions can be added to the tree of conditions, accordingly.
Here is an example for sorting on background cell color :
C++ code |
xlsgen::IXlsWorkbookPtr wbk = engine->Open( L"data.xls", L"output.xls" );
xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht = wbk->WorksheetByIndex[1];
xlsgen::IXlsRangePtr r = wksht->NewRange(L"C4:F7"); xlsgen::IXlsSortPtr sort = r->NewSort();
xlsgen::IXlsSortConditionPtr sc = sort->NewCondition();
sc->SortOnWhat = xlsgen::sortcondition_oncellbkgndcolor; // cell background color is used as sort criteria sc->columnIndex = 2; // 2nd column of the range, i.e. column D sc->SortColor = 0xFFFF00; // 0xFFFF00 = yellow
And another one for sorting on icons (related to existing conditional formatting of type icon) :
C++ code |
xlsgen::IXlsWorkbookPtr wbk = engine->Open( L"data.xls", L"output.xls" );
xlsgen::IXlsWorksheetPtr wksht = wbk->WorksheetByIndex[1];
xlsgen::IXlsRangePtr r = wksht->NewRange(L"C4:F7"); xlsgen::IXlsSortPtr sort = r->NewSort();
xlsgen::IXlsSortConditionPtr sc = sort->NewCondition();
sc->SortOnWhat = xlsgen::sortcondition_onicon; // cell icon is used as sort criteria sc->columnIndex = 4; // 4th column of the range i.e. column F sc->SortIconset = xlsgen::iconset_3trafficlights_unrimmed; // icon set to match sc->SortIconsetIndex = 1; // which icon in iconset to match (1-based)